The Drama Centre

The Drama Centre

Taking the Stage at Group 2 Grow

Leanne Johnson, founder of Chelmsford Drama Centre, a highly acclaimed Drama School that works with children and adults to boost confidence and learn acting and communication skills explains how attending the Backing Essex Business Group 2 Grow Peer Network Programme has given her the clarity and direction to take the business forward.

The Drama Centre, which operates out of 3 locations in Chelmsford, Braintree, Barking (and will shortly be coming to Colchester, Southend, and South Woodham Ferrers) was created by professional actor Leanne Johnson in 2017. Wanting to create a space where budding actors can work towards LAMDA qualifications, where children from 6 years old and adults can learn communication skills, and professionals could work on their public speaking, she started with a small Saturday morning class, to test the water and establish demand.

7 years on, and the business has skyrocketed, with over 600 enrolled students and 25 classes running a week, by a team of 14 teachers and assistants.  Their mission is to transform people’s relationships with public speaking and acting, building confidence, teaching life skills and nurturing the next generation of actors and speakers.

“We noticed quite a big gap in terms of people’s confidence levels and their communication skills, and this has just been amplified by the pandemic. The alpha generation is really digital, so they’re communicating in a different way to how we did, but whilst they are great with technology, some are lacking conversation and communication skills. Things like direct eye contact, problem solving, and spontaneous conversation can be difficult for them, and so we are here to help with that”
— Leanne Johnson, Owner

Centre Stage

The Drama Centre offers a variety of classes to suit the different needs of its students.

Budding actors looking to progress their skills into a career, can attend classes to work towards a LAMDA qualification. Working on the acting and public speaking elements of the curriculum, students can build their vocal skills, articulation, and diction, in turn improving their confidence. A common issue students face is imposter syndrome, but through games, exercises, and strategy, the centre works to help them overcome that, prepping them to take their exam, when they feel ready to do so, and not on a set timetable.

For those not looking to use the classes as a stepping stone into further education or university for the subject, can instead enjoy the classes to improve their skills ready to perform at end-of term shows, or improve their confidence in public speaking.

“Public speaking is the number one fear in the world, people are more scared to speak in front of a crowd than they are of death! Even the most successful people can sometimes struggle speaking publicly, we help to provide skills and strategies to help them overcome their fears and feel more comfortable.”

Raising the Curtain

Having achieved so much success in the business, Leanda had reached a point that she needed to work out what to do, and where to go next. Coming across the Peer Network ‘Group 2 Grow’, offered by Business Support Programme Backing Essex Business, she joined a cohort delivered by business coach Graham Broughton.

Leanne Johnson, Owner, The Drama Centre, Chelmsford.

“I’d gotten to the point in the business where I'd hit the ceiling in terms of my capacity to be able to grow it and scale it. I wanted to join the programme because I wanted to get insight into how I can put together a strategy to get to the next level. I’m so glad I did, it was great to work with a group of supportive business owners, especially ones all based in Essex.”

Group2Grow, part of the Backing Essex Business support programme, offers a Peer Network for business leaders. Funded by Essex County Council, it aims to bring together business owners and leaders to tackle shared challenges collaboratively, leveraging collective experiences and wisdom. The program consists of eight 2 hour sessions, facilitated by a seasoned business coach who not only steers the discussions but also contributes invaluable insights. Moreover, participants benefit from three hours of one-on-one mentoring with the coach to address their specific goals.

“I found the one-to-ones with Graham really beneficial. He was able to show me a completely different point of view on how I could grow. I keep thinking of myself simply as a children’s activity provider, targeting myself to the individuals themselves, whereas he showed me I’m much more than that, highlighting opportunities I have by thinking about things on a much wider scale.”
— Leanne Johnson, Owner

Final Act

A benefit often highlighted by Group 2 Grow participants is the ability to access insights and knowledge of those in differing industries to their own. These regular sessions provide the opportunity to ask questions and discuss topics that you may not normally discuss in a traditional networking meeting. Held online, Group2Grow also allows businesses from all across Essex to meet and connect, opening up a whole new pool of contacts.

“To know that every two weeks, you're going to have an opportunity to tell people about your wins and what you've struggled with, and to have different businesses at different levels of growth is really helpful. It’s great to be able to be around people that a couple of steps ahead so you can pick their brains. I’ve learnt so much in just those 3 months. For example, we did a trademark session on trademarking and intellectual property. As soon as that was done, I registered my company to be trademarked and it’s just been approved. That's one step closer to where I want to see this business in five years’ time”

Leanne’s next steps are now in the spotlight, with clear plans on how she can move forward and continue to grow her business. She has new locations opening this year, and a firm plan to franchise the business, so that she can take a step back on the day to day and focus on growth.

Group 2 Grow has helped her to open her eyes to the realms of opportunity surrounding her, where her passion and enthusiasm can be replicated into a enterprise that knows no boundaries and we wish her every success for the future.

“If you’re in the weeds of the business you can’t see it grow so you need to take that step back and be brave. I have a great team behind me, and I now need to let them take the helm whilst I focus on the future. The business has been so successful, beyond anything that I ever dreamed it would be, but I’m excited for what comes next, and how I can take what I’ve learnt from Group2Grow to keep moving forward.”
— Leanne Johnson, Owner

To find out more about The Drama Centre, visit the website at

Applications for the Group2Grow programme have now closed. To find out the other ways in which Backing Essex Business can support your business Get in Touch

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